Ronald Kinsella

Ronald Kinsella


Ronald and Philip Kinsella are the authors of 10 books at present. Their first adult science fiction novel 'The Ungodly Agenda' was released in 2010, about a malevolent extra-terrestrial force here on Earth. They also host their own radio show 'Twin Souls' at the Paranormal UK Radio Network.



Past Shows:

  • Clairvoyance & UFOs / Open Lines

    Twin brothers Philip and Ronald Kinsella updated their work researching alien abductions, and shared their own experiences as abductees. Open Lines followed.More »

Last Night

Prophecy Update / Anti-Gravity Technology
Prophecy Update / Anti-Gravity Technology
Authority on Nostradamus, prophecy, and astrology, John Hogue returned to update his prophecy alarm. Followed by researcher and author Ryan S. Wood on anti-gravity technology and the MJ-12 documents.


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