Mysterious Creatures

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Mysterious Creatures


  • Reports of Werewolves
  • Paranormal vs. Physical
  • About the show

    Researcher Nick Redfern shared accounts he uncovered while searching for cryptozoological creatures in the U.K. There are three types of unusual bipedal beings that have been reported in Britain, he said, which include werewolves, Bigfoot, and feral wild men.

    Sightings of werewolves, which typically have a wolf-like head but can stand on two feet, were often accompanied by a feeling of horror or evil, Redfern noted. He speculated that they could be interdimensional in nature, and because they are often spotted in the vicinity of ancient stone circles, they may serve as "guardians" of "windows" into these other dimensions.

    He also discussed the "Black Dog" legend and described witness testimonies that date back hundreds of years of huge animals with glowing red eyes. Sightings have been thought to be harbingers of either tragedy or fortune, he commented. Redfern will next be speaking at MUFON's Annual Symposium in July on British Triangle UFO sightings, and he is also writing online articles for Phenomena Magazine.

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    Last Night

    Veterinary Medicine
    Veterinary Medicine
    In the first half, Veterinarian Dr. Marty Goldstein discussed holistic approaches to pet health and well-being. Next, Coast listener John Potter talks about navigating life's challenges after losing his eyesight, followed by Open Lines.


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