Last Night

Angels & Essenes / Afterlife Explorations
Angels & Essenes / Afterlife Explorations
Novelist Penelope Holt shared her research on angels, reincarnation, and the Essenes. Followed by Susanne J. Wilson, known as the Carefree Medium, on experiences of the afterlife.


Power Grid & EMP / Integrative Nutrition
Power Grid & EMP / Integrative Nutrition

First Half: Former CBS and Newsweek reporter Hugh Simpson and EMP expert Rich de Sabatino will outline possible scenarios that could take out the power grid and how to protect yourself against the aftermath.

Second Half: Nurse and integrative health coach Cathleen Beerkens is the founder of A Wellness Revolution, an institute for integrative nutrition. She'll discuss the emerging sciences of epigenetics, glycobiology, and nutrigenetics, which can support optimal cellular health, and share the science behind manifesting-- how we can influence the quantum or universal field and change our materialistic world.

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