Katherine Albrecht

Katherine Albrecht


Katherine Albrecht is a consumer privacy expert and the Founder and Director of CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering), a national consumer organization created in 1999 to educate consumer-citizens about shopper surveillance. Ms. Albrecht is widely recognized as one of the world's leading experts on consumer privacy. She regularly speaks on the consumer privacy and civil liberties impacts of new technologies, with an emphasis on RFID and retail issues.

She has testified on RFID technology before the Federal Trade Commission, the California state legislature, the European Commission, and the Federal Reserve Bank, and she has given over a thousand television, radio and print interviews to news outlets all over the world. Katherine graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a concentration in International Marketing, and holds a master's degree in Instructional Technology from Harvard University. She is currently completing her Doctorate in Education at Harvard where her research focus is consumer education, privacy and psychology.




Past Shows:

  • Privacy Threats/ The Afterlife

    Katherine Albrecht discussed internet tracking technology. Dr. Mark Mirabello revealed beliefs about the soul, reincarnation, and the afterlife.More »
  • Chipping & Privacy/ Open Lines

    Consumer privacy expert Katherine Albrecht discussed the latest news in the rapidly evolving field of chip technology, including wearable tech, and how the prospect of microchipping humans may become a foregone conclusion unless a movement of resistance is realized. Midweek...More »
  • Chips & Tracking/ Soulmates & Reincarnation

    In the first half, consumer privacy expert Katherine Albrecht discussed the latest news in the rapidly evolving field of tracking technology, and chip implants. In the second half, publicist, author and relationship expert Arielle Ford talked about the concept of soulmates,...More »
  • Tracking Technology/ AC/DC

    In the first half of the program, consumer privacy expert Katherine Albrecht shared updates on tracking technology such as the RFID chip. In the latter half, author, rock journalist, and paranormal researcher, Susan Masino, discussed the ups, downs, and fantastic stories of...More »
  • Tracking Technology/ Children's Past Lives

    In the first half, Katherine Albrecht, a consumer privacy expert and VP of Start Page, the world's most private search engine, discussed the breakneck speed that tracking technology is evolving and how the prospect of chip implants in humans looms in the future unless a movement...More »
  • Mark of the Beast & Tracking / Paranormal Investigations

    In the first half, Katherine Albrecht, consumer privacy expert and VP of StartPage.com, discussed the latest technologies being used to track humans, and how this is connected to the mark of the beast, as prophesied in the Bible's book of Revelation. In the latter half,...More »
  • Mysterious Ancient Sites

    Independent researcher and leader of tours to locations of ancient mysteries and civilizations, Gary Evans, discussed the evidence at such sites for unusual properties, such as transformative acoustical effects, and stargates. Joining the conversation in the third hour, Robert...More »
  • Timetraks & Merlin Project

    Futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart of the Merlin Project discussed their software-based forecasting technology and the graphical snapshots of time, called Timetraks, it generates. "The timetraks for the United States indicated that this year and continuing for...More »
  • The Anunnaki on Earth

    Gerald Clark (book link) discussed his passion for ancient astronaut technology and tablets left by the Sumerians which support Zecharia Sitchin's ideas that humans were seeded by the Anunnaki. First hour guest, privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht reacted to news that Apple...More »
  • Bigfoot & Cryptozoology

    Cryptozoology expert Alex Hearn discussed his Bigfoot sightings, and involvement in the Melba Ketchum Bigfoot DNA study, and paranormal investigator Joshua P. Warren spoke live from Puerto Rico, where he's investigating creatures such as the chupacabras. First hour guest,...More »
  • Stonehenge & Dowsing/ Scary Open Lines

    Maria Wheatley, a second-generation dowser and leading authority on the geodetic system of earth energies, appeared in the second hour, discussing anomalies related to Stonehenge. In the latter half of the show, callers were invited to share their paranormal experiences,...More »
  • Smart Meters / Consciousness & OBEs

    In the first half, privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht was joined by Jennifer Stahl of Naperville Smart Meter Awareness to discuss Stahl's arrest on Wednesday. In the latter half, consciousness researcher Sandie Gustus was joined by her associate at the International...More »
  • Liberation of the Planet

    John B. Wells welcomed the man code-named Cobra, who for 35 years has been in contact with an underground movement, resisting the dark forces attempting to control humanity. UFO contactee Rob Potter also joined the discussion about the nature of the dark forces, and the strength...More »
  • Lost Mayan Technology

    Structural engineer, James O'Kon, in addition to designing award-winning projects in major cities, has also spent 40 years investigating Maya engineering feats and lost Maya technology. He discussed damage from Hurricane Sandy, as well as how many important discoveries in Mayan...More »
  • Chip Tracking / Hopi Wisdom

    In the first half, privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht responded to a report about Texas schools punishing students who refuse to be tracked with microchips. Due to truancy problems, several schools in San Antonio have been requesting that students wear ID badges which contain...More »
  • Privacy & Tracking

    Katherine Albrecht, a consumer privacy expert and VP of startpage.com, the world's most private search engine, discussed the latest RFID technologies being used to track not only products but humans, and their movement and activity. She announced that Macy's is considering...More »
  • Online Privacy / Cancer Treatments

    Katherine Albrecht, consumer privacy expert, and VP of startpage.com, shared her contention that Google is using our personal information to create a centralized database that intrudes on users' privacy. She also discussed the strategy and treatments she employed in her battle...More »
  • UFOs on the Record

    Investigative journalist Leslie Kean discussed firsthand accounts of UFO encounters including reports from top military generals and pilots. She looked at the 5% of cases that can't be explained in official aviation/government investigations. One such incident was the November...More »
  • Star Visitors & Internet Privacy

    First hour guest, consumer privacy expert Katherine Albrecht reacted to a proposed bill that would give the US president the power of an Internet "kill switch.". Appearing in the second hour, anthropologist specializing in Star Cultures, Dr. Richard Boylan shared updates on ET...More »
  • Privacy, Tracking, & Technology

    In the first half of the show, consumer privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht discussed the ways companies and the government are tracking people's behavior via RFID chips and the Internet. China has been using technology to track and suppress dissidents, and as the U.S. moves...More »
  • Puzzling Paranormal Cases

    Professor Stephen Braude discussed his lifelong interest in the esoteric and shared a number of cases that feature particularly strong evidence of paranormal phenomena. In the first hour, consumer privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht talked about the TSA's plan to block...More »
  • Resonance & the Paranormal

    Appearing during the middle two hours, researcher Marie D. Jones discussed connections between science and the paranormal. First hour guest, consumer privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht expressed concern over one version of the 2010 census, as well search engines like Google....More »
  • Traveling with Wands

    Neil Slade discussed his new work on how wands can actually help us traverse multiple dimensions Last hour guest, privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht shared concerns that most search engines such as Google are compiling data on their users.More »
  • Spirit Attachment

    During the middle two hours, Kelly Kiernan Ray, an expert in hauntings, discussed the various ways that ghosts and entities can share our space and cause physical, mental and emotional problems as well as addictions. During the first hour, consumer privacy advocate...More »
  • Space News & Research

    Appearing during the first three hours, historian and journalist Robert Zimmerman discussed space politics and history, including recent developments at NASA, space tourism, and the Hubble Space Telescope, "the telescope that will not die." In the last hour, consumer...More »
  • Resurrecting Dinosaurs & Privacy Update

    During the second hour, paleontologist Jack Horner discussed his remarkable research that may one day make it possible for scientists to recreate dinosaurs. In the third hour, Katherine Albrecht raised concerns about the CDC and Google tracking IP addresses of flu-related...More »
  • Chips, Surveillance & Privacy

    Private investigator Roger Tolces spoke about the latest news in surveillance, and privacy expert Katherine Albrecht warned of a technology called "Smart Grid," and the increased use of RFID. First hour guest, consultant Harry S. Dent offered analysis on the economy.More »
  • Past Life Regressions & Channeling

    A former practitioner of conventional medicine, Dr. Charles Tramont discussed how he now treats people with hypnotherapy, conducting past-life regressions. First hour guest, privacy activist Katherine Albrecht warned that a component in Obama's Stimulus Plan called for citizens'...More »
  • Visions of the Future

    Astrologer and seer Michael St.Clair debuted on the show, sharing his visions of the future. First hour guest, Katherine Albrecht reacted to a plan in Britain to hack into home users' computers with a technique called "remote searching."More »
  • Purging Negative Spirits

    Exorcist and psychic Jeffrey Seelman discussed his work with negative and demonic spirits, and what it takes to purge them from an environment. Negative spirits are typically deceased persons who were negative while they were alive, while demonic entities may never have been...More »
  • Flatwoods UFO Case & Shootdowns

    Ufologists Stanton Friedman and Frank Feschino discussed the 'Flatwoods Monster' encounter, which took place on Sept. 12, 1952, during what they believe was the biggest UFO flap in US history. Witnesses said they saw a large oval-shaped craft set down on a hill in Flatwoods in...More »
  • Variety Show

    A special evening featured four separate guests covering such topics as spy chips, ghosts, food & energy, and ancient Lemuria. In the first hour,privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht reported on how cell phones can be used to track people's locations without their consent. A cell...More »
  • RFID & Chip Implants

    Consumer privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht presented an update on RFID and chip implants. Around 300 people have voluntarily had an RFID chip implanted in them, but they could be at an increased risk for cancer, she said.Studies of animals who've been chipped show that up to...More »
  • Non-Physical Realms

    Physicist Tom Campbell spoke about his experiences exploring different realms of consciousness. He worked with Robert Monroe in the early 1970s, helping establish Monroe's laboratory for the study of consciousness, and develop the Hemi-Sync technology, used to attain specific...More »
  • Plant Communication

    An expert in the polygraph and biocommunication, Cleve Backster related details of his research into electrical responses in plant life.More »
  • Secret Door II

    In a night of "Secret Door" guests, six people made surprise appearances on the show.More »
  • ET Contact & Disclosure

    Dr. Steven Greer returned to discuss his new memoir Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge, as well as to comment on ufology and disclosure.More »
  • Mad Moments

    During the final two hours of the show, George Noory, who was broadcasting live from WMAL-AM in Washington D.C., hosted Open Lines and offered a 'mad moment' line for people who wanted to share occasions in their lives when they just lost it.More »
  • Govt. Tracking: RFID & NAIS

    Consumer privacy expert Katherine Albrecht, joined by activists Pat Showalter and Celeste Bishop in hour two, spoke out against the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), a USDA plan to track farm animals using RFID chips. Showalter and Bishop, who both own animals in a...More »
  • Exorcisms & Possession

    Paranormal researcher John Zaffis returned for a discussion about exorcisms. He has assisted and worked with well-known exorcists including Bishop Robert McKenna and the late Father Malachi Martin.More »
  • Rebroadcast: Katherine Albrecht/Steve Quayle

    In this rebroadcast, Ian Punnett chats with Katherine Albrecht on 'spy chips' from 10/1/05, followed by his interview with Steve Quayle on the history of giants, which originally aired on 8/20/05.More »
  • Technology Breakthroughs

    Technological trends advisor Charles Ostman discussed both the progress and dangers of nanotechnology and other developments. Nanotech, the ability to manipulate matter at the atomic level, can offer spectacular breakthroughs, but it could also be used as a horrible weapon, he...More »
  • Searching for the Afterlife

    Journalist and contributing editor for the science magazine Discover, Mary Roach discussed several interesting topics related to her new book, Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife. A self-proclaimed skeptic, Roach said she was born "without faith" and was motivated to write...More »
  • Spy Chips

    Consumer privacy experts Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre of CASPIAN, a group dedicated to fighting supermarket 'loyalty' cards, shared an update on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) products.More »
  • RFID Update

    Consumer privacy expert Katherine Albrecht returned to share an update on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) products and how society might be affected by their usage. Many large companies such as Proctor & Gamble, Gillette, and Wal-Mart envision using the technology to...More »
  • RFID & Privacy Abuse

    Katherine Albrecht, the founder of Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering, shared her research on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) products. The small tags which emit identifying signals, are being pitched by major retailers to replace bar codes, and...More »
  • Privacy Invasion

    Katherine Albrecht, the founder of CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering, was the main guest on Wednesday night. A doctoral candidate at Harvard, Albrecht believes that "retail surveillance" is increasingly invading consumer's privacy.More »

Last Night

Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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