Victoria Alexander

Victoria Alexander


Victoria Alexander has participated in Aty Guarani, Candomblé, Spiritism, and Santo Diame spiritual ceremonies in South America. Since 2000, she studied with curanderos in the Amazon and is an advocate of the visionary plant ayahuasca. In 1994 Victoria conducted a breakthrough research project, "The Alexander UFO Religious Crisis Survey," a survey of 1000 theologians on the impact of UFOs on religion for The Bigelow Foundation.


Past Shows:

  • Alternate Realities / 2012 Myths

    In the first half, Col. John Alexander, along with Victoria Alexander, joined George Knapp for a discussion on alternate realities, and how their frequent trips to South America to meet with healers and shamans have changed their outlook on the world. During the latter...More »
  • Mysteries of the Amazon

    In the first half, author David Grann, discussed his journey deep into the jungle to trace the path of explorer Percy Fawcett and his search for the mythical "Lost City of Z." In the second half, "Gringo Shaman" Ron Wheelock described his inner-journey using the powerful...More »

Last Night

Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Author Walter Bosley discussed Napoleon Bonaparte and his mysterious ties to North America. Followed by filmmaker Rich Martini with details on the fate of American aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart.


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