Rayelan Allan

Rayelan Allan


Rayelan Allan is a researcher, writer and teacher of esoteric mysteries who has a family background which includes covert government ties. Her first husband was a nuclear physicist who created the Electronic Warfare program for the United States Navy. Rayelan had been part of a Navy research project on stress but had no idea that the US government considers the families of military and government personnel as government property to be used in their experiments and as unwitting pawns in their spy games. She is the publisher of Rumor Mill News, one of the oldest and most popular web-based alternative news sites.



Past Shows:

  • Mind Control & Secret Societies

    Researcher Rayelan Allan discussed her unusual and personal experiences in such areas as covert government programs & mind control. First hour guest, seer Dr. Louis Turi outlined four "deadly Plutonic windows."More »

Last Night

Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Cryptozoologist D.A. Roberts recounted his terrifying experience on a remote Missouri island where his team found evidence of a large creature. Followed by podcaster Joel Waldman who discussed Jack the Ripper and the suspicious death of Open AI whistleblower Suchir Balaji.


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