Michael Boldin

Michael Boldin


Michael Boldin is the founder and executive director of the Tenth Amendment Center. Michael has a full schedule working as senior editor of the Center’s website, writes a regular column, fields media interviews, and travels the country (when invited, of course) to speak to crowds about sticking to the Constitution – every issue, every time, no exceptions, no excuses.

While media and activists alike seemingly want to pigeonhole him into a political category, his viewpoints and positions defy the standard categories and political parties. As he often says in his speeches, "I’m no conservative, and I’m no liberal. I’m not a Democrat or a Republican. And I’m not a green or a libertarian, or a socialist or an anarchist. I’m not even an independent. All I am is me. And all I want is to live free." Michael lives in the belly of the beast in Los Angeles, California.


Past Shows:

  • Degeneration of U.S. & The 10th Amendment

    John B. Wells was joined in the first half of the program by author and Illuminati expert Mark Dice, who commented on the stupefying of society and degeneration of U.S. culture. Next, Michael Boldin, president of The Tenth Amendment Center, discussed individual sovereignty...More »

Last Night

Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Author Walter Bosley discussed Napoleon Bonaparte and his mysterious ties to North America. Followed by filmmaker Rich Martini with details on the fate of American aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart.


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