Andrew DiDonato

Andrew DiDonato


Andrew DiDonato is a career criminal with over 15 years of organized crime activity as an associate of the Nicky Corozzo crew of New York City’s Gambino crime family. His criminal history includes extortion, loan sharking, car theft, bank robbery, counterfeiting, drug dealing, illegal gambling, credit card fraud, witness tampering, weapons possession, insurance fraud, forgery, burglary, attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder.


Past Shows:

  • Mafia Special

    The Mafia is a shell of its former self, but a few old-style wise-guys have survived prison and the Mob Wars, and two of them spoke with George Knapp about their previous lives in this 4-hour special. Crime writer Denny Griffin was featured for the entire show, which included...More »

Last Night

Four Assassinations / Bigfoot Evidence
Four Assassinations / Bigfoot Evidence
Author John Koerner discussed the untold history surrounding the assassinations Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy. Followed by podcaster William Sheehan who reported on the Bigfoot encounters he has meticulously compiled.


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