Donnie Eichar

Donnie Eichar


Author Donnie Eichar is an acclaimed director and producer of film, television and music videos. Donnie is a Florida native brought up amongst a family of storytellers. His most recent work (before authoring Dead Mountain) could be seen on MTV's groundbreaking documentary series The Buried Life. Donnie produced 18 episodes of the show, with the cast achieving their bucket list goals such as "Playing Basketball with President Obama" and "Help Deliver a Baby" as well as being featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show.



Past Shows:

  • Strange Beings / Dyatlov Pass Mystery

    In the first half, author and paranormal investigator, Brad Steiger, discussed his latest explorations of the unexplained, including phantoms, aliens, and visitations from other dimensional beings. In the latter half, author and film director, Donnie Eichar, shared his...More »

Last Night

Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Author and speechwriter Ken Khachigian discussed his days working with former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.


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