Jim Garrow

Jim Garrow


Dr. Jim Garrow runs Pink Pagoda, an organization that is dedicated to changing the outcome of a very hard decision that some parents are driven to in the Peoples Republic of China. The national policy of one child per couple plus the traditional place of the first born male as the provider for parents in their old age leaves many couples with a dilemma of what to do if their child is a girl. Some make the tragic decision to end her life and try for a boy. Here at the decision stage is where Jim’s program steps in. Through a word of mouth information campaign they have shown over 27,000 families that allowing their child to live and be adopted by a foreigner is a much preferred option to infanticide.


Past Shows:

  • Pearl Harbor & Pink Pagoda

    In the first half, renegade military historian Douglas Dietrich discussed what his research has uncovered about the attack on Pearl Harbor and how FDR's administration provoked Japan and led the United States into war in order to pull the country out of the Great Depression. ...More »