Andy Hines

Andy Hines


Andy Hines is teaching futures studies at the University of Houston, alongside a "day job" of managing custom research and consulting projects at Social Technologies, a leading consulting futures firm that specializes in the integration of foresight, strategy of innovation.

Prior to joining the University of Houston and Social Technologies, he enjoyed earlier careers as a consulting and then organizational futurist. He became a partner with Coates & Jarratt, Inc., a think tank and consulting firm that specialized in the study of the future. He was also Futurist & Senior Ideation Leader at Dow Chemical with a mission of using futures tools and knowledge to turn ideas into new business opportunities. Before that, he established and ran the Global Trends Program for the Kellogg Company.



  • ConsumerShift

Past Shows:

  • Free Will & the Brain

    The father of cognitive neuroscience, Michael Gazzaniga, joined Ian to offer a provocative argument against the common belief that our lives are wholly determined by physical processes and we are therefore not responsible for our actions. In the first hour, Andy Hines discussed...More »
  • Futurist Forecasts

    Professors Peter Bishop and Andy Hines from the Futures Studies program at the University of Houston joined Ian Punnett for a discussion on the techniques for long term forecasting and what futurists are seeing down the road for the world. Appearing during the third hour,...More »