John Schuessler

John Schuessler


John F. Schuessler is a founding member of the Mutual UFO Network, Inc., and is currently the MUFON International Director and a member of the Board of Directors. As a staff member he has written numerous articles for SKYLOOK and the MUFON UFO Journal and has been a featured speaker as many MUFON symposia.

He is a member of the UFO Research Coalition Board of Directors and a member of the Science Advisory Board for the National Institute for Discovery Science. He is a full member of the Society for Scientific Exploration and an associate of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies. He was a founding member and past President of the UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis, as well at the Houston-based Vehicle Internal Systems Investigative Team. He first became active in UFO research in 1965 when he joined the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization.



Past Shows:

  • UFO Special

    In the first half, George Knapp welcomed founding member of the Mutual UFO Network and current MUFON International Director, John Schuessler, for a review of his 40 years researching UFOs. Then, in the latter half, ufologists from, Alejandro Rojas and Antonio...More »