Trisha Springstead

Trisha Springstead


Trisha Springstead is a registered RN who treats Morgellons patients. Trisha was trained in medicine at Loma Linda University, UCSB, and Riverside State College. Trisha is currently working on her doctorate in Holistic and Alternative Medicine.


Past Shows:

  • NDEs & the Paranormal

    Widely acknowledged as the world’s leading expert in the field of near-death experience, Raymond Moody M.D. reflected on his life as a researcher bridging the gap between science and the paranormal. "This is the biggest question of existence and the most important, by far," he...More »
  • Secret Door XII

    In our 12th edition of the 'Secret Door,' George Noory welcomed three surprise guests who addressed a variety of topics: investigative mythologist William Henry, Morgellons expert Trisha Springstead, and ghost investigator Jeff Belanger. In tandem with Memorial Day, first...More »
  • Morgellons Disease

    Physician, Dr Amelia Withington, RN, Trisha Springstead, and Dr. Randy Wymore discussed the mysterious symptoms of Morgellons Disease and the history and science behind it. Morgellons is characterized by a number of symptoms that affect the skin including biting and crawling...More »