Alvin Toffler

Alvin Toffler


Alvin Toffler and his wife Heidi are known around the world for their work that has influenced top leaders around the globe. Known for having forecast the acceleration of daily life, the decline of the nuclear family, the spread of loneliness and rise of religion, the Tofflers decades ago also anticipated cloning, virtual reality, niche markets, information overload, work-at-home, product customization, the "de-massification" of the mass media, the threat of terrorism and many other features of contemporary life. But in the Tofflers' works, these disparate forecasts are all mere details of a far larger canvas. Few today challenge the central, sweeping thesis of their work since the mid-1960s - that a knowledge-based new economy was arising to replace the industrial age.



Past Shows:

  • The Third Wave

    Futurist Alvin Toffler presented his thesis that we've entered the "Third Wave," in which a knowledge-based economy has replaced the industrial age.More »

Last Night

Financial Forecast / Sasquatch Communications
Financial Forecast / Sasquatch Communications
Author and currency specialist Kristen Ragusin discussed the current economic climate, and the impact of Bitcoin. Followed by Sasquatch communicator Brian Bland on his enigmatic encounters.


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