Roger Tolces

Roger Tolces


Roger Tolces is a Los Angeles private investigator who specializes in electronic countermeasures. In the past thirty years he has swept over 2500 locations for bugs and wiretaps. In recent years his business has included helping victims of electronic harassment and mind control. Electronic harassment takes place if someone uses any electronic device to aid them in invading your person or property for the purpose of gathering information illegally, or for the purpose of causing physical harm. Mr. Tolces uses over $100,000 of high-tech equipment to try to identify the sources of electronic harassment.


Past Shows:

  • Electric Interference / UFOs & ET Mysteries

    Private investigator Roger Tolces shared updates on electronic harassment and pollution. Followed by writer and filmmaker Raoul Mongilardi on UFOs and ET mysteries.More »
  • Electric Nature of the Body / Understanding the Human Mind

    Roger Tolces discussed the electric nature of the body and energy healing. Followed by Paul LeMay on understanding the human mind.More »
  • Rife Machines/ Shadow Entities

    Roger Tolces and Jeff Garf discussed the healing technology of Rife machines. Followed by Heidi Hollis on Shadow People and the Hat Man.More »
  • Electronic Harassment/ Mental Coherency

    Roger Tolces discussed the recent electronic harassment attacks on the US embassy in Cuba. Followed by Dr. Joe Dispenza on how to achieve mental coherence.More »
  • Cosmology, Prophecy, & Legends

    Researcher of ancient mythology and paranormal phenomena, Tom Horn, was joined by prophecy expert Cris Putnam to discuss their trip to the Vatican observatory, legends from Native Americans of a "time before time," and accounts of portals or gateways to another dimension. ...More »
  • ESP & Psychic Research

    Longtime researcher of parapsychological phenomena, nuclear physicist Dr. Edwin C. May was joined by parapsychologist and co-author Loyd Auerbach to discuss the history of psychic research and espionage, and how its development during the Cold War fueled incredible research into...More »
  • Climate Fraud / Surveillance & NSA

    In the first half, space historian Robert Zimmerman contended that fraud and dishonesty have permeated the sciences of climate and environmental studies, including scientists at NASA and NOAA manipulating the temperature records. In the latter half, private investigator...More »
  • Covert Harassment

    Private investigator specializing in electronic counter-measures Roger Tolces was joined by Michael F. Bell to discuss the unbelievable story of how Bell was tracked and tortured by a covert organization via implants and microwave harassment. First hour guest, journalist...More »
  • Surveillance & Harassment

    John B. Wells welcomed Roger Tolces, a private investigator specializing in electronic counter-measures, who discussed how surveillance and harassment has shifted from hardware to bio-coded directed energy as well as the various technologies currently being used to manipulate...More »
  • US Collapse & Energy Medicine

    Roger Tolces, a private investigator specializing in electronic counter-measures, spoke about ways the United States is being brought down by multinational corporations. He also talked about energy medicine treatments. First hour guest, 'historian of the future' Charles...More »
  • Chips, Surveillance & Privacy

    Private investigator Roger Tolces spoke about the latest news in surveillance, and privacy expert Katherine Albrecht warned of a technology called "Smart Grid," and the increased use of RFID. First hour guest, consultant Harry S. Dent offered analysis on the economy.More »
  • Mind Harassment

    Private investigator specializing in electronic counter-measures, Roger Tolces discussed how surveillance and harassment has shifted from hardware to bio-coded directed energy. After viewing secret Russian spy documents, he believes the US is now using DNA sequencing to develop...More »
  • Wiretapping & Data Mining

    Counter-surveillance specialist Roger Tolces expressed alarm over the increase in warrantless wiretapping and "data mining" being done by the U.S. government under the auspices of fighting terrorism.More »
  • Surveillance & Electronic Attacks

    Electronics expert & counter-surveillance specialist, Roger Tolces returned to discuss the increase in wiretapping and his work in assisting victims of electronic harassment. He commented that in the era of the Patriot Act and increased government surveillance, now more than...More »
  • Crop Circles: Meanings & Mysteries

    Making his debut on the show, crop circle researcher Freddy Silva presented evidence and analysis that interwove science with metaphysics. There have been over 10,000 reports of unusual crop formations in recent years, spanning 29 countries, but interestingly, 80% of the...More »
  • Electronic Harassment & Mind Control

    Private investigator Roger Tolces, who specializes in electronic countermeasures, presented updates on electronic harassment, surveillance and mind control. He outlined how new technology, involving an interface brain chip, is being tested on quadriplegics that allows them to...More »
  • Rebroadcast: Roger Tolces

    This show was rebroadcast of Art Bell's interview with electronic surveillance expert Roger Tolces from 11/16/03.More »
  • Electronic Violations

    Roger Tolces, a Los Angeles private investigator, discussed electronic harassment cases. In the past 30 years he has swept over 2500 locations for bugs and wiretaps.More »
  • Electronic Harassment

    Roger Tolces, a private investigator, who specializes in surveillance countermeasures, was the guest on Thursday's show. He outlined a variety of ways in which US citizens' privacy rights have been eroded since the passing of the Patriot Act. "They can throw a switch and listen...More »

Last Night

NDEs & Transformation / Modern Health Crisis
NDEs & Transformation / Modern Health Crisis
Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon and neuroscientist, shared his transformative near-death experience. Followed by Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, who explained how fast food and Big Pharma companies have created overwhelming chronic disease.


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