Peter von Puttkamer

Peter von Puttkamer


Peter von Puttkamer has been writing, directing and producing international award-winning films in the United States and Canada over the last 24 years. His company, Gryphon Productions Ltd. has created documentaries for The Learning Channel, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel and other specialty channels. These programs have won more than 65 international awards. Von Puttkamer's fascination with indigenous peoples, anthropology, archaeology, mythology, music and wildlife has led to work around the world.

Peter has climbed through ancient caves used for human sacrifice in Mexico, filmed then eaten giant 12 tarantulas with Venezuelan blow-gun hunters, filmed sacred mask rituals and dances of North American natives, chased Caribou herds on the Arctic Circle, and joined a hunt for Bigfoot. His recent films/series for Discovery Channel such as Sasquatch Odyssey and Monster Hunters have dealt with the strange world of cryptozoology. Sasquatch Odyssey won several awards and was selected for the prestigious 1999 IDA Doctober Festival screenings in Los Angeles- qualifying it for Academy Award nomination.



Past Shows:

  • 2017 Predictions/ Capturing Bigfoot

    Psychic Elizabeth Joyce made predictions for 2017.Peter von Puttkamer discussed his documentary series "Killing Bigfoot."More »
  • Monster Hunters

    Filmmaker Peter Von Puttkamer discussed his most recent work tracking six groups of Monster Hunters on a mission to find physical evidence of the Jersey Devil, Chupacabras, and Yowies. According to Puttkamer, the Jersey Devil legend may have started in the 18th century when a...More »
  • Amazing Inventions

    Award-winning filmmaker Peter von Puttkamer spoke about his recent work documenting some of the world's most amazing inventions, inventors, and weird science.More »
  • The Real Lost World

    Adventurer and filmmaker Peter von Puttkamer discussed Bigfoot legends, The Jersey Devil, giant birds and other cryptozoological wonders...More »
  • Bigfoot & Other Creatures

    Director of the Sasquatch Odyssey, Peter von Puttkamer shared accounts of Bigfoot and other mysterious creatures. His film documented the research of the "Four Horsemen of Sasquatchery:" Peter Byrne, John Green, Dr. Grover Krantz and Rene Dahinden, who sometimes quarreled over...More »
  • Hunting Monsters

    Peter Von Puttkamer, documentary filmmaker, went on a journey that took twoyears. He visited five countries in search of great monsters and theirhunters. He tells incredible storiesabout the Jersey Devil, Yowie, Chupacabras and more. Von Puttkamer has beenproducing international...More »

Last Night

Southern California UFO Cases / Open Lines
Southern California UFO Cases / Open Lines
Earl Grey Anderson, State Director of Southern California Mutual UFO Network, shared his experiences and his mother's influence on his career. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.


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