Weird Stories

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Weird Stories

About the show

During Open Lines, George offered a 'Weird Stories' hotline. He also asked for a few native Hawaiians to phone into the show and speak in the Pidgin language. A caller near Dallas, Texas recounted a strange experience she had while working as a nurse. The caller said one of her dying patients told her she could see a man dressed in white and her deceased sister standing outside the window. According to the caller, the patient was told by her sister that it was okay for her to go. She passed away an hour later, the caller said.

Jim in Colorado Springs recalled when his grandmother was on her deathbed. He said the woman in the room next to his grandmother's came in one night, put her hand on his grandmother's head and said "Lord, take this child home. She's suffered long enough." After his grandmother's funeral, Jim said he returned to the facility to thank the woman for helping his grandmother cross to the other side. The hospital staff told Jim that no one had been in the room next to his grandmother. Jim believes the woman may have been a guardian angel.

A caller from Newport Beach, California shared a bizarre story that happened to him in a little village on outskirts of Mexico City in 1990. The caller said he went to see a church where an apparition of Mary had been photographed and while there three children -- Lourdes, Raphael and Miguel -- talked with him. He later found out that the church had been burned down in 1949 and three children with the same names had perished in the fire. The caller claims to have a photo taken at the church that shows the silhouettes of three people.

In the last half hour, George played an audio clip from Jeff Peckman's 'Peeping Alien' press conference in Denver.

Peeping Alien Video

In first hour, investigative journalist Paola Harris talked about the video shot by Stan Romanek which purportedly shows an alien peeping into a window. Harris said she knows Romanek, has seen his footage several times and believes it to be authentic. Harris also revealed that Romanek has had abduction and other paranormal experiences for the last four or five years, and even has another video of an alien looking through double glass doors. During their conversation, George suggested that Romanek submit to a lie detector test. Harris commented on the use of lie detector tests in the Travis Walton case.

Corey Lopez of KHOW also made a brief appearance in the first hour. He viewed the 'Peeping Alien' video footage and shared his thoughts on it with George. Lopez thought the creature "looked exactly what I always thought an alien looked like" and wondered why an alien from a technologically advanced society would spy on humans by peering into a window.

Space Updates

Richard C. Hoagland appeared at the start of the program to provide updates on the Mars Phoenix Lander and the likelihood of it finding life on the Red Planet, as well as this weekend's space shuttle launch.

Bumper Music

Last Night

Southern California UFO Cases / Open Lines
Southern California UFO Cases / Open Lines
Earl Grey Anderson, State Director of Southern California Mutual UFO Network, shared his experiences and his mother's influence on his career. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.


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