Effects of Hiroshima

Hosted byIan Punnett

Effects of Hiroshima

About the show

Ian Punnett was joined by scientist and author Charles Pellegrino, who discussed the horrifying days at the end of WWII, after the bombs were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and revealed the strange physics that occurred just beneath the bomb blasts.

Gulf War Illness Update

Gulf War Vet advocate Joyce Riley appeared in the first hour of Saturday's show to discuss the mysterious illnesses affecting troops who fought in the two Gulf Wars. According to Riley, about 80% of Gulf War I veterans are suffering with sicknesses that can be traced to their service in the Middle East. Troops deployed in the current War in Iraq are developing serious neurological problems linked to depleted uranium, Riley continued. This may also help explain the alarming homocide rate among returning soldiers, she added.


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