Underground Bases & the Black Budget

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Underground Bases & the Black Budget


  • Underground Bases & the Elite
  • Subterranean Tech & Tunnels
  • ETs, Abductions, & Secrecy
  • About the show

    Researcher Richard Sauder discussed the black budget world of super-secret underground, and undersea, bases and tunnels, and the vast sums of money siphoned off from the economy to build them. Such bases are operated by both civil and military agencies, but in addition to them, there are Fortune 1000 companies with underground installations, as well as religious organizations, and possibly ETs, he detailed.

    One of the uses for the bases is as a retreat in the event of a calamitous geophysical change to the Earth, such as a pole shift, said Sauder. The "technocratic elite" are making extensive and sophisticated plans for these facilities, which suggests they believe catastrophic earth changes could occur in the very near future, he noted. "Trillions of dollars have been sucked out of the federal budget and out of the economy in general...and lavished on projects or programs of which we are told little or even nothing whatsoever...It's our money and we deserve to know," Sauder stated, adding that in the event of an Earth catastrophe, citizens should have the right to be in a lottery to go to the underground bases, rather than just the elite.

    Secretive biological engineering and experiments may also be occurring underground, and a percentage of the thousands of missing people reported every year could be held there as guinea pigs or forced labor, he speculated. He also spoke about plans for underground maglev trains that could travel as fast 15,000 mph hour and make a coast to coast trip in less than an hour. Undersea bases could be entered via a vertical shaft on an island that might go down several miles to a tunnel, or through an airlock right on the sea floor, he detailed. ET encounters in underground bases have been reported by numerous abductees. An illustration in a 1955 issue of Look even depicted how an underground "flying saucer" facility might appear, he shared.

    Immigration Problems

    First hour guest, journalist and teacher Frosty Wooldridge talked about the problems of immigration and overpopulation. If America continues on its current path of allowing illegal immigrants to stream in, the quality of life will go down with increased water rationing, energy crises, and ecological destabilization, he warned. Wooldridge said he backs Former Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo's plan to use the National Guard to protect US borders. For more on the subject of reducing illegal immigration, he recommended the site NumbersUSA.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Decoding Dreams / Conspiracy Culture
    Decoding Dreams / Conspiracy Culture
    Modern mystic and author Theresa Cheung shared her insights on the significance of dreams. Followed by David Samuels, the editor of County Highway, who explored the rise of conspiracy theories and their effect on public trust.


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