
Hosted byGeorge Noory


About the show

Appearing during the middle two hours, radical academic Jeffrey Grupp discussed concepts such as telementation, which is "the idea that a deep feeling state inside you can alter reality in ways that you want," similar to the Law of Attraction. Telementation can be carried out by locating the "feeling mass" inside oneself, which is a deeper level or vibration that relates to the structure of feelings, and is qualitatively different from surface feelings like boredom and happiness, he explained. This feeling state can also serve as one's own inner temple or sanctuary, he added.

Grupp also touched on the notion of "dark ecstasy" -- the feeling of intense pleasure that some people get from negative and gruesome events, and how secret societies and the Illuminati exploit this mental state to control the masses. Through his own meditations, he's concluded that we're surrounded by an all-loving force, yet there's likely a set of advanced beings that had enough power to alter things, impose evil, and manipulate our world with dark feelings.

Currency & Fed. Reserve

First hour guest, writer and documentary film producer G. Edward Griffin talked about the Federal Reserve, banking cartels, and the economy. The central banks plan to get rid of national currencies like the dollar and replace them with an international currency, and will probably introduce a regional currency like the "amero" (for North America) as an interim step, he detailed. Griffin was critical of the way the US govt. continues to lend money based on debt that it has no plans to pay back. He also proposed that we abolish the Federal Reserve, and instead just use government regulation to ensure that banks are operating honestly.

Spooky Wales

In the last hour, author and paranormal expert Lionel Fanthorpe shared some weird and spooky stories about Wales, an area that he believes has a disproportionate number of hauntings and mysteries. A spiral staircase of a 17th century home was said to be haunted by a "psychic odor"-- that of lavender perfume, and he detected the smell himself when he went to investigate. He also recounted witness reports of a Nessie-style monster swimming in Pembroke Dock. More here.

News segment guest: Chris Kerber

Bumper Music

Last Night

Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
Jane Durst-Pulkys, PhD, discussed the metabolic balance program, which aims to reset metabolism, reduce inflammation, and achieve optimal weight. Followed by paranormal investigator Anthony F. Sanchez who delved into UFO and paranormal phenomena, ghost hunter apps, and EVPs.


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