WWII Secrets

Hosted byJohn B. Wells

WWII Secrets


  • Dietrich: Japan & WWII Secrets
  • Dietrich: Nuclear Bombs & WWII Secrets
  • About the show

    Host John B. Wells (email) was joined by renegade historian, Douglas Dietrich, for the full 4 hour program. He revealed a variety of information not told to the American public about WWII and subsequent conflicts. As a Defense Dept. research librarian at the Presidio Military Base in San Francisco, he was responsible for incinerating highly classified materials on critical historical topics such as Pearl Harbor, and these documents served as a source for some of the data he shared. "There's no denying that the world is far different than what we've come to understand. Everyone looks on WWII as this good war, this fairy tale war, with a big bang ending," but it really was more like Viet Nam with aspects lingering for years after 1945, he said, noting that a peace treaty wasn't signed with Japan until 1951.

    At the end of WWII, the United States had 27 million citizens in uniform-- the entire country was militarized, and the military didn't want their power and control to end-- so they kept it going with wars in Korea and Viet Nam, and the continuation of the draft, he outlined. Interestingly, Dietrich contended that the Japanese had developed nuclear bombs (aided by Jewish scientists they had resettled in Oblast), and after Nagasaki, they used these nuclear weapons to stop the Soviets in what is now the Korean demilitarized zone.

    The Germans also had developed a nuclear bomb, and fired an atomic warhead in Estonia, "that stopped the Soviets cold; a mushroom cloud that was a full kilometer in diameter with continuous internalization of combustion led to electronic interference with instruments all the way back in London," he detailed. Commenting on why the American public had never learned of these bombings, he said you're only "told enough of the truth to uphold the lie." Dietrich also spoke about Emperor Hirohito's usage of biological weapons, and submarines. In the first hour, he reported on abuse and Satanism that took place at the Presidio base when he worked there in the 1980s.


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