Astrology & Predictions

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Astrology & Predictions

About the show

In this special program, three esteemed astrologers shared their forecasts and predictions, in separate hours. First up, Linda Schurman talked about how we are entering a time where there could be a major upsurge in earthquake activity in places such as Indonesia, Mexico, Chile, and Japan, and the San Francisco Bay Area, between now and June, and then again between September and early December. The current position of the planets is similar to when there were two great earthquakes in San Francisco, in 1906, and 1989, she noted. The period of 2010-2016 is a highly volatile time for tectonic activity, she added. Regarding the economy, Schurman foresees no real recovery until around 2020, when a new type of non-fossil fuel energy is introduced. As for the 2012 presidential election, the results may be delayed with a scenario similar to what happened in the 2000 Bush-Gore election, she said.

Mark Lerner highlighted the significance of Venus going retrograde from the period of May 15th through June 24th, and suggested it was a time (particularly for women) to respect and reevaluate relationships, as Venus is associated with the concept of love, both personal and universal. Lerner foresees a very close race in the presidential election, with Obama currently having the edge. Whoever is elected will face big challenges in 2014 when Pluto goes opposite the sun of America's birth chart, for a total of five different times through 2015-- these could be dangerous times for democracy and freedom, he cautioned.

In the last hour, Mitchell Lewis spoke mainly about the financial aspects of astrology. We're looking at a period of time similar to the late 60s to the early 80s, when the stock market went "sideways," for a 16-year bear market, he commented. Interestingly, he declared that precious metals like gold and silver are in a bubble, and not good for long term investments. He sees the divisiveness and power struggles reaching new heights in the United States by 2014, with a re-elected Obama battling with a Republican-ruled House. 2014 looks to be a year of increased violence and confrontation, Lewis predicted, adding that he also foresees a severe depression hitting southern Europe, causing the value of the US dollar to rise, but bringing down the stock market.


First hour guest, veterinarian Dr. Marty Becker talked about some of the unusual aspects of cats. Interestingly, one study found that if you have a cat, you are 40% less likely to have a cardiovascular incident (such as heart attack or stroke) than non-cat owners. This may be because they decrease stress, he said, adding that the vibration of a cat's purring has been shown to lower blood pressure. One health tip he shared is to get your cat a running water fountain, as they tend to be dehydrated, and are attracted to water features.

News segment guest: Kelly Sweeney

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