9-11: Truth & Enigmas

Hosted byJohn B. Wells

9-11: Truth & Enigmas

About the show

Publisher and investigative writer Sander Hicks discussed his journey to shed light on the official story of 9/11, as part of the grassroots truth movement that has sprung up in the last decade. He characterized the search for truth, and struggle for justice as a kind of "David and Goliath" story, pitting truth seekers against a massive US war machine. Just after the 9-11 attacks, the country was whipped up into a frenzy of hatred against the Muslim population, even though there was never any real proof that bin Laden and al Qaeda were behind the attacks, Hicks asserted. The real terrorists are the financial elite-- "white collar terrorists who are ruling the country from behind closed doors," and fabricated the events for the sake of war, he continued.

The "Bush-Cheney-Obama" official story about 9-11 is false, Hicks argued. He cited the case of whistle-blower David M. Graham, a Shreveport dentist who met two of the "so-called" 9/11 hijackers (whom Hicks considers patsies) 10 months before 9-11, and warned the FBI about them. The FBI told him to look the other way, and after the attacks occurred, he continued to speak out and planned to publish a book about what he knew. But, in 2004, he was mysteriously poisoned while traveling alone in East Texas. Hicks also presented information about Wolfgang Bohringer who claimed to befriend the hijacker Mohammed Atta. Later, Bohringer revealed that he worked for the CIA.

Hicks also recounted incidents with such people as Rudolph Giuliani, Eliot Spitzer, and Dick Cheney that suggest they knew more about the 9-11 attacks than they let on. Additionally, Hicks detailed his founding of the Truth Party, which offers a vision for a future United States that rejects secrecy and imperialism, and embraces non-violence.

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