World Turmoil & Xenogenesis

Hosted byGeorge Noory

World Turmoil & Xenogenesis

About the show

Author and researcher Steve Quayle contended that secret powerful forces have been aligned against humanity since ancient times, and currently manifest chaos and threats of war all over the world. He addressed how these forces hope to use genetic manipulation to create a super race of humans and hybrids. They believe they can enhance humanity and ultimately do away with the human genome, and substitute it with something sinister brewed in laboratories, he said. The word "xenogenesis" means to add a third set of chromosomes into the human genome, suggesting a connection to aliens or the fallen angels, he continued.

"Transhumanism" with its life extension goals, and view of the human body as a work-in-progress is repellent to Quayle who sees it as a hubristic effort to outdo God's creation. Further, he argues that chemtrails and GMO foods are designed to destroy the atmosphere and cause negative changes in humanity. The current outbreak of Ebola and what looks like some strains of unknown hemorrhagic fevers are likely the result of someone testing a new bio-weapon, he added.

As for the missing Malaysian plane, Quayle suspects it was hijacked by remote control, and according to his sources, actually landed in Pakistan. The Fukushima disaster may have been part of the Illuminati's goal to reduce the planetary population, he remarked. Birth defects are already showing up on the West Coast, and kids should be taking potassium blocking iodine, he advised. He also touched on the recent mysterious deaths of a number of bankers, whom he believes were silenced because they knew too much.

Superbugs & Bilderberg Group

First hour guest, alternative media activist Alex Jones discussed 'superbugs,' the Bilderberg group, and various stories in the news. He reported that a number of people he knew, including relatives, had died this winter from a strain of bacterial pneumonia that was particularly drug resistant. All over the country, local news reports that hospitals are full even into the spring, of patients with this superbug, which is literally eating into their lungs, he continued. Jones revealed that the secretive meeting of the Bilderburg Group will take place in May of this year, in Denmark, and also gave his take on the missing Flight 370-- he views it as a "brain heist," as a number of important patent holders were passengers on the plane.

News segment guest: Steve Kates

Bumper Music

Last Night

Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to October 24, 1996 for a night of Open Lines that included such topics as Martian anomalies and the Egyptian pyramids.


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