Art Bell Vault: Alternative Science

We're excited to launch our newest feature for Coast Insiders: The Art Bell Vault. This ongoing curated collection features two vintage shows added to the collection each Wednesday. This week's featured programs explore the realm of alternative science, beginning with an episode from 2/16/96 in which Art spoke with Dr. Nick Begich about the mysterious and controversial Project HAARP. He detailed how the massive field of antennas is used to stroke ionosphere with electromagnetic power and could have deleterious effects on human beings should they be subjected to its considerable might.

We then journey to June 10th, 1997 for an episode wherein Art interviewed the late Dr. Eugene Mallove about cold fusion. He discussed how the history of this potential form of alternative energy, how it made worldwide headlines in 1989, and refinements in the technology were ongoing with the hopes that it could someday power the world. Sadly, Dr. Mallove passed away in 2004 when he was tragically murdered in what authorities believe was a robbery gone horribly wrong.

These classic programs have commercials and breaks removed and are presented in multiple-platforms-- available on-demand for Mac, Windows, IOS, and Android. Many of them feature rare "5th" hours of content from back in the 90s when the show had a longer running time. We do include Art's beloved bumper music, which became such an indelible part of his program.

And for the true Art Bell fan, we offer different listening options to fine-tune your experience, such as guest only, and full show streams. Coast Insiders, we're very happy to bring this new offering to you at no additional charge to your subscription! We welcome your feedback.

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