Australian Couple Believes Aliens Are Behind Series of Cattle Mutilations

By Tim Binnall

An Australian couple believe that aliens are to blame for a series of mysterious cattle mutilations on their property. According to a local media report, Judy and Mick Cook's sizeable ranch in the town of Eungella has been plagued by the weird incidents for the last 18 years with the most recent slaying occurring around six months ago. In total, the couple have lost a staggering 20 cattle to a puzzling perpetrator who removes the animals' organs with surgical precision and leaves no blood nor trace of their presence behind. Having mulled over the recurring mystery for years, the pair have come to a rather otherworldly conclusion for who or what is to blame: aliens.

"How is it happening? It must have something that lifts it up and puts it down and doesn't leave any marks," Judy observed, indicating that the proverbial ET hypothesis is "the only explanation I have got.” This was echoed by Mick, who recounted an incident five years ago wherein he spotted an inexplicable bright light hovering over "the boundary of the property." The following day, the rancher ventured out to the area and discovered a gathering of their cattle. The animals, he recalled, "looked terrorized and they started running as soon as I got close to them, which was very strange."

Seemingly in agreement with her parents' alien explanation, the couple's daughter mused that "it really makes you think that there’s something going on that the general public doesn't know about, maybe there’s something being kept hidden from us."Since the circumstances surrounding the slayings are eerily similar to mysterious cattle mutilations reported in America for decades, this would seem to suggest that, at the very least, the phenomenon is global in nature and not something isolated to the United States. Whether aliens are responsible for these incidents, of course, remains a matter of conjecture and, one imagines, at this point the Cooks likely just wish their cattle would stop being targeted.