Bigfoot Filmed in Florida?

Bigfoot Filmed in Florida?

By Tim Binnall

A man hiking in the Florida panhandle captured intriguing footage of a bipedal creature which he suspects could be a Bigfoot. The potential Sasquatch sighting reportedly occurred late last month as Tyler Howell was exploring a wooded area near the community of Crestview. Stopping at a location along some power lines, the witness was stunned when looked off in the distance and saw a dark figure walking across a clearing.

Although Howell managed to capture some footage of the sighting, which can be seen here, it is unfortunately fairly typical of most potential Sasquatch videos as the nature of the creature in the clip is incredibly difficult to discern. What makes Howell suspect that it may have been Bigfoot is that it is currently deer bow hunting season in Florida and, were the figure a human hunter, they would have been required to wear some kind of orange clothing as a safety measure.

While Howell's footage may be hard to decipher, some Bigfoot enthusiasts argue that the creature's posture and apparent stride make for the strong possibility that it is the famed cryptid. Skeptical viewers, however, posit that the bipedal creature is probably just a person who was either unknowingly cast as Sasquatch or an active participant in an elaborate prank. For his part, Howell says that he has returned to the area several times since his sighting in the hopes of spotting the mystery animal again, but has yet to encounter anything unusual.