Bigfoot Prints Found on Mount St. Helens?

By Tim Binnall

A motorist in Washington state was stopped in her tracks when she spotted a set of sizeable footprints that may have been left behind by a Sasquatch. The intriguing discovery occurred this past Saturday as Jennifer Powell O'Neal was driving near Mount St. Helens and noticed the puzzling impressions seemingly going up a hill. Taken aback by the weird sight, she proceeded to pull over and get a closer look at the curious impressions and conduct something of an impromptu investigation of the scene.

Posting pictures and her story on the Facebook group Washington Bigfoot, she explained that there were at least three of the massive footprints leading to the top of the hill and there may have been more beyond that, but she "couldn't safely get up the rest of the way to check." To her credit, O'Neal not only photographed the peculiar impressions alongside her hand and her shoe, which is is "a size 8 mens," but also came up with a clever way of measuring one of the prints. The quick-thinking witness used a piece of dental floss to establish the length of the impression and then, upon getting home, determined that it was a whopping 12.5 inches long.

Considering the possibility that the odd trail was the work of pranksters, O'Neal was skeptical of that scenario since "it would have been impossible to have made them with no actual footprints leading up" to the scene. The bewildered witness also looked around the hill for some indication that perhaps a bear was behind the perplexing find, but found no signs of claw marks in the dirt. Remarkably, this is O'Neal's second time finding potential Bigfoot prints in this same general area and, considering that Washington state is considered Sasquatch country, her discovery is certainly within the realm of possibility. What's your take on the intriguing footprints? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.