The intriguing series of 'Bigfoot' prints found in the parks of a Texas city have been revealed to be a clever promotional campaign.
The Parks and Recreation Department for the city of Round Rock, Texas generated numerous headlines this week after they posted photos of 'mysterious' giant footprints allegedly spotted by their surveillance system.
However a number of elements to the story suggested that claims of a Bigfoot roaming the area were less than genuine.
Now a report from the TV station KXAN confirms suspicions that the entire affair is part of a plan by the city to try and get local children to make use of the area's parks this summer.
According to the segment, park rangers will be planting 'Bigfoot clues' throughout the city over the next few weeks and any kids who find these 'Sasquatch signs' will receive prizes.
And, much like the North Carolina town of Troy, it appears that Round Rock is going 'all in' on the legendary cryptid by hanging 'Bigfoot Crossing' signs around the city.
While Bigfoot fans may be disappointed to find out that the footprints are not real, it's hard to fault the city for trying to fool people, since the hoax is for a good cause and was pretty obvious to anyone who could tell that shenanigans were afoot.
Source: KXAN