The president of Brazil revealed a remarkable reason for his strange decision to move out of the country's presidential palace: ghosts!
President Michel Temer says that he and his family had grown increasingly uncomfortable living in the lavish Alvorada Palace, but not because they were put off by the opulent amenities.
"I felt something strange there. I wasn't able to sleep right from the first night. The energy wasn't good," he told the Brazilian magazine Veja.
According to Temer, his wife also felt uneasy inside the home and only their young soon seemed to have taken a liking to the residence.
The eerie feelings were so profound, that Temer purportedly joked to Veja that "We even started to wonder: could there be ghosts?"
However, it would appear that his observation was not entirely in jest as Temer reportedly enlisted a priest to bless the home and eradicate any evil spirits.
Alas the attempt at cleansing the palace apparently proved unsuccessful, since Temer and his family have now opted to move to the nearby vice presidential residence.
Whether that means his displaced and, no doubt, annoyed VP gets to move to the abandoned palace remains to be seen.
While Temer's reasoning for leaving the palace is rather odd, it's not entirely unique as the Queen of Sweden made similar claims about that country's royal palace earlier this year.
Temer's tale also adds an intriguing potential paranormal layer to President Trump's frequent trips to Mar a Lago, considering the long history of ghosts lurking in the White House.
Coast Insiders can learn about an infamous photo which allegedly shows one of the many White House ghosts by checking out the 10/2/2015 edition of C2C featuring paranormal investigator Joshua Warren.
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Source: AFP / Image: Robotmensch via Wikimedia Commons