British Dog Walker Reports Encounter with Infamous 'Black Eyed Kid' Entity

By Tim Binnall

A British man claims that he encountered an infamous 'Black Eyed Kid' entity that approached him while he was out walking his dog. According to a local media report, the eerie alleged incident occurred last month as the unidentified witness was strolling with his pet pooch near the country's notorious Cannock Chase, which is a forested area where all manner of high strangeness has been reported over the years. On this particular occasion, the man says, their walk took an unsettling turn a few hours after dusk when "all of a sudden I felt a weird sensation in my stomach, like a feeling of impending doom" coupled with the impression that they were being watched.

The weird sense of unease was seemingly also felt by his dog, he recalled, as the animal "started to go mad and was pulling on the lead and barking. I've never known her get so frightened." While looking to see what could be causing this curious commotion, the man was taken aback when he suddenly "felt something tugging on the back of my coat." Startled by the strange snag, he was all the more unnerved when he spun around and saw that it was a "pale-faced little girl" who was trying to get his attention. However, the man mused, this was no innocent tot as the child seemed to sport "completely black eyes."

The shaken witness indicated that the youngster appeared to wearing rags and "giggled in a way that hurt my ears and sent chills down my spine." As if the encounter were not creepy enough, the man said that the mysterious little girl subsequently "skipped off into the trees," leaving him and his dog to wonder what exactly had just happened. Unsurprisingly, the pair did not stick around to ponder the possibilities as they promptly left the scene before the bewildering black-eyed kid returned. Ultimately, the man mused that the uncanny child did not appear to be human. Though, as is the case with the infamous black-eyed entities, what exactly they are remains a mystery.