British Village Invaded by Massive Flock of Feral Chickens

By Tim Binnall

Residents of a British village are at their wit's end over a massive flock of feral chickens that have overtaken the community and become something of a tourist attraction. The town of Snettisham is reportedly at the center of the strange invasion by the birds which are believed to number around a hundred. Irritated individuals living in the village say that the chickens have become a huge nuisance due to their penchant for pecking away at the grass in the yards outside homes as well as making a considerable amount of noise. Further compounding their consternation is that word of the birds roaming around the community has led to the town also being overrun by visitors hoping to encounter the creatures.

While one might think an influx of unexpected tourists would be appreciated by the community, frustrated residents lament that the visitors leave a considerable amount of trash behind that, in turn, has caused an increase in rats scurrying around the village. The situation surrounding the chickens, their proverbial fans, and the rodents that have come along for the ride reached a head at a recent council meeting wherein citizens of Snettisham raised the issue with community leaders and called for something to be done about the problem. With the possibility that the birds may wind up being forcibly removed from the village, some residents have spoken up for their perceived feathered friends with one individual musing that " it gives character to the place.”