British Woman Finds 'Mystery Claw' in Yard

By Tim Binnall

A British woman was left scratching her head after stumbling upon a mysterious animal claw that had somehow wound up in her yard. According to a local media report, Laura Moorcroft found the disembodied appendage (seen below) on the front lawn of her home in the community of Buckley and "thought instantly it was something out of Jurassic Park." She subsequently posted pictures of the unsettling discovery online in the hopes of identifying it and, as one might imagine, received all manner of suggestions.

Among the possibilities put forward by people on social media were the foot of alligator, a turtle without its shell, or something more fantastic, such as the remains of a velociraptor or gremlin. However, the puzzling find turned out to be rather prosaic as, according to Moorcroft, she sent the pictures to a local zoo and they responded that it was probably just a turkey claw. While that may have solved the mystery of what kind of creature the appendage once belonged to, perhaps a more worrisome question is how it ended up on her front lawn.