We're excited to launch our latest version of the CoasttoCoastAM.com website, and hope you'll enjoy exploring its new look. We've added a dynamic new section to the homepage called FEATURED, which serves as a great round-up of our recent original articles, and shows, as well as 'Blast from the Past' photos from our archive.
We haven't taken away any of our previous content, but we have moved a few items around. For instance, some of the upper navigation bar items have changed locations. GUESTS are now listed under SHOWS, and RADIO STATIONS can be found under INFO as "WHERE TO LISTEN." Our CONTACT details are also listed under INFO, as well as MERCHANDISE. The SEARCH function is now represented by the magnifying glass icon, near George's picture at the top right of all pages.
For Coast Insiders, the log-in function is also in the top right corner (the person icon), and live streaming broadcasts (via either Coast Player or Windows Media Player) are available above the navigation bar on all pages during live show hours. Coast Insider Chat is now under MEDIA. We welcome your feedback, comments, and questions. Please write to feedback@coasttocoastam.com.