Chris Bartel Photos 9/27/20

Chris Bartel has provided several unique images for his appearance on the 9/27/20 show to discuss his time as a guard at the Skinwalker Ranch.

Above: “Skins”; Animal skins hung on adjacent property for ceremonial purposes to keep the negative energy off their land.

(Collection of the University of Maryland Art Gallery / Christopher Bartel )

“Homestead Two Chair”; Part of the job of Skinwalker Ranch security officers was to sit in these chairs by themselves in an attempt to make contact with paranormal energies.

(Collection of the University of Maryland Art Gallery / Christopher Bartel )

“Wolf Tracks”; Animal tracks, possibly from a wolf, that indicate it may walk on two feet with a three foot stride

(Collection of the University of Maryland Art Gallery / Christopher Bartel )

“Deck”; Back deck of Homestead One, facing west, where Bartel would sit and eat breakfast and dinner while enjoying the views.

(Collection of the University of Maryland Art Gallery / Christopher Bartel )

“Meditation Rock”; A rock formation located directly north of Homestead One, where Bartel would spend countless hours keeping a watchful eye under the stars.

(Collection of the University of Maryland Art Gallery / Christopher Bartel )