Cops Seek 'Plague Doctor' in England

By Tim Binnall

In a case reminiscent of the creepy clown phenomenon, authorities in England are on the lookout for a person who has been scaring some residents of a community by roaming around in a plague doctor costume. The mysterious individual has reportedly been spotted several times over the last few weeks in the village of Hellesdon wearing a long black cloak, a hat, and the unsettling beaked mask made infamous during the 17th century as the plague ravaged Europe.

Word of the odd character in their midst slowly spread throughout the village and culminated this week when a resident posted a picture of the 'plague doctor' on a community Facebook page. As is often the case with social media, this led to a spirited debate over whether the costume-clad individual's antics were funny or frightening. And it would seem that the concerns of those in the latter camp have caught the attention of the authorities.

To that end, a police spokesperson told a local media outlet that officers have been made aware of the situation and, "although no offenses have been committed at this time," they are "keen to trace the individual in order to provide words of advice about the implications of his actions on the local community." However, finding the 'plague doctor' could prove to be a challenge as the person has apparently stopped appearing after garnering so much attention online.