Devereux Images

Paul Devereux, pictured in front of the Pyramid of the Sun atTeotihuacan (the mysterious, ruined 2000-year-old city in the Valley ofMexico), shares these earth and light images along with his captions (click on the titles to view the photos):

  • Death Valley Ground Marking: An ancient and mysterious ground marking in a remotepart of Death Valley, California. These kind of enigmaticfeatures are found in locations all over the Americas -- the Nazca lines in Peruare merely the most famous example. We are now beginning to understand whatthey were all about -- and it wasn't to do with "ancient astronauts"! I callthem "shamanic landscapes".
  • RitualCave of Loltun: Shows fused stalagmite/stalactites in the ancient Mayan ritualcave of Loltun: when struck they issue deep resonant notes... archaeology is beginning to listen toancient places...
  • RitualCave of Balankanche: A fused stalactite/stalagmite in the ancient Mayan ritualcave of Balankanche that has the remarkable natural likeness to a tree.One-thousand-year-old incense burners surround it. Holy places started as natural, venerated sites that had something unusualabout them, and this is one example.
  • Mystery Light (Photo: Project Hessdalen): A mysterious pulsing light photographed in the Norwegian valley ofHessdalen. Such mystery lights, what I call "earth lights", form anothersubject area I research and write about.
  • Earth Lights: Another mystery lightform or "earth lights" photographed near the SanAndreas Fault, California, in the 1970s by physicist David Kubrin.

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