Discovery of Dead 'Mystery Creature' Stirs Alien Speculation in Thai Village

By Tim Binnall

The discovery of a dead 'mystery creature' on the outskirts of a Thai village led to speculation among residents that the gruesome remains were alien in nature. The strange incident reportedly began over the weekend when Pinij Bansuwan came across an odd set of bones while hunting for crabs in a mangrove forest. "I saw this huge, decaying creature with long sharp teeth," he recalled, "I panicked and ran! I’ve never seen anything like it!" However, before he fled the scene, Bansuwan snapped some photos of the unsettling remains and subsequently showed them to residents of his village when he returned home.

Something of panic soon swept over the community as astounded residents speculated that Bansuwan had stumbled upon an unfortunate otherworldly visitor that did not survive its arrival on the planet or, failing that, some kind of creature heretofore undiscovered by science. Alas, their fantastic theories fell by the wayside when authorities arrived to investigate the curious remains (which can be seen below) and determined that the animal was a black killer whale. As for how the creature wound up on the floor of a mangrove forest, experts indicated that the juvenile denizen of the deep had likely been swept inland by strong winds and tides that left it trapped on land, where it ultimately perished.