Dream Rewards

Originally published in 1974 and since updated, Patricia Garfield's book Creative Dreaming(1) is considered a classic in the field. Her central thesis is that people can plan and control their dreams to reap a variety of benefits, including solving dilemmas, tapping into creativity, and engaging in adventures.
One chapter of the book looks at the traditions of the American Indians, and how almost all tribes, in spite of their differences, placed a high degree of significance on their dreams.One principle Garfield derived from her study of the Indians is that "dreamers who regard dreams as important and even vital to success in life will receive and remember helpful dreams."
To Indians, a visit from a spirit guardian (manido) in a dream state, could provide particular value, she noted. These guardians may offer a special kind of relationship such as a grandparent to a child. "You should accept and appreciate all friendly gestures in your dreams," Garfield writes. "Dream friends can be as real as the friends you can touch while awake...as in waking life, the more friends you have, the better, and the better friends they are to you, the better it is for you."

1. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0684801728/ctoc/
2. http://archive.coasttocoastam.com/info/about_lex.html

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