Elephants Dine on Unsold Xmas Trees at Berlin Zoo

The Berlin Zoo turned post-holiday waste into wildlife treats Friday, offering its residents unsold Christmas trees in an annual tradition. The elephants proved particularly enthusiastic, using their trunks to tear off branches and toss them playfully around their enclosure before munching on the festive greenery.

The zoo carefully sources fresh, undecorated trees from select vendors to ensure the animals' safety, rejecting public donations that might contain harmful chemicals or leftover ornaments. "These trees aren't just food," explains mammal curator Florian Sicks. "They provide enrichment activities – the animals can fight with them, rub against them, or toss them around."

In a first this year, the giraffes got their own upside-down tree treat, suspended at head height. While Max eagerly devoured the needles, his companion Mugambi seemed less impressed after a cautious inspection.