Fearing an Alien Invasion, Turkish Man Reports Starlink Satellites to Police

By Tim Binnall

Police in Turkey found themselves responding to a rather odd call from a terrified resident who spotted Starlink satellites in the sky and suspected that they were the start of an alien invasion. The weird incident reportedly occurred in Monday night in the province of Çorum as the internet-providing service from SpaceX passed overhead. A young man identified only as 'MT' caught sight of the string of satellites and, unaware of what they were, assumed that they were extraterrestrial in nature with a sinister intent. Like many an astute UFO witness before him, the man dutifully filmed the eerie scene and then promptly phoned the Turkish equivalent of 911 to express his concerns about the hostile aliens brazenly cruising through the night sky.

When officers arrived at MT's residence, the shaken man showed them his footage of the suspected ET craft and indicated that he had called for help out of fear that they were about to be invaded by aliens. Fortunately, the young man's concerns were quickly put to rest as the cops explained that the objects were simply a string of Starlink satellites and, as such, perfectly harmless. The incident on Monday evening is the latest in what has become a recurring phenomenon wherein, much like UFOs that turn out to be lenticular clouds, bewildered witnesses mistake the SpaceX service for otherworldly visitors only to be disabused of that notion once the truth is revealed.

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