'Ghost' Sighting Causes Man to Drive into Ditch

By Tim Binnall

A motorist in New Zealand offered a rather odd reason for why his car wound up in a ditch as he told cops that he was trying to get away from what he believed to be a ghost. The strange case reportedly occurred in the community of Waverley this past Sunday morning when police were alerted to a vehicle that had driven off the road. When cops arrived on the scene, the car's owner explained that, as he was cruising down the street, he approached what appeared to be an apparition that was trying to get his attention.

Understandably terrified at the prospect of encountering a ghost, the man slammed on the brakes and attempted to make a getaway by flooring the car in reverse, which sent the vehicle careening into a ditch. As one may have guessed by now, when cops administered a breathalyzer test, they found that the motorist was under the influence. That said, it would seem that the man was somewhat telling the truth as there was, indeed, a 'presence' on the side of the road that morning, but it turned out to simply be a person waving at the driver in the hopes of catching a ride.