Girl in New York State Reports Seeing Two Women Being Taken by Cube-Shaped UFOs

By Tim Binnall

A young girl in New York State claims that she spotted two women seemingly being abducted by cube-shaped UFOs. The strange incident reportedly occurred on the evening of May 28th as the 10-year-old witness was walking with her dog along a road in the community of Lake George. Recounting the sighting to the National UFO Reporting Center, the girl indicated that she initially observed two women approximately 50 feet ahead of her on the same street. To the youngster's surprise, she recalled, "two white cubes appeared and took one person up and then the other person up. They both floated up into the sky and disappeared."

According to the witness, her dog also watched the weird scene unfold, though unfortunately, the canine cannot corroborate her account. Interestingly, the girl's report also mused that the perceived women "might have been beings," though she did not explain what led her to consider such a fantastic scenario. That said, in what some will suggest makes the proverbial extraterrestrial hypothesis for the event plausible, a local radio station looking into the story found no missing person cases nor any police activity that would correlate with the strange sighting.

Another possibility, which UFO enthusiasts might posit if the girl's account is genuine and the women were not otherworldly, is they could have been returned by the craft and, as so often happens with alien abduction cases, they never realized they were even taken in the first place. Meanwhile, skeptics will undoubtedly point to the girl's young age and dismiss her story as merely a mistaken observation fueled in part by her imagination. With that in mind, what do you make of the odd account? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.