Illinois Truck Driver Reports Unsettling Suspected Sasquatch Sighting

By Tim Binnall

An Illinois truck driver says that he was left unsettled after a recent incident wherein he drove past a sizeable hair-covered bipedal creature that some believe to have been Bigfoot. According to a local media report, the suspected Sasquatch sighting occurred on the morning of October 5th as Gary Rutherford Jr. was cruising down the highway in Peoria County. A driver for a truck company contracted by the U.S. Postal Service, his normally routine route took a wondrous turn when he noticed something unusual ahead of him on the side of the road. "I didn't process this thing until I was right up on it," he recalled, "I did a double-take. It was standing, two legs, brown fur."

While the encounter was incredibly brief, Rutherford said there was a particularly chilling moment in which he and the creature looked at each other and, he noted, the beast seemed to sport "orange, yellowish glowing eyes." Since the two were face to face and he was "sitting high up in a 24-foot truck," the astounded driver "estimated the thing had to be 8 feet tall." In true post office fashion, Rutherford commendably continued his route without stopping to get a further look at the curious creature. That said, the strange sighting stuck with him so much that he later went back to the spot to look for evidence of what he had witnessed, though there was nothing to be found.

The eerie experience was so proudly unsettling, Rutherford said, that he could not stop thinking of the strange event. Eventually, he felt compelled to report the incident to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, which investigated the account and found that it was likely a genuine Sasquatch sighting. "I'm not calling it Bigfoot," Rutherford stressed, "the investigators have concluded that's what it was, and I accept that." Though the truck driver may never be certain as to what exactly he saw on the side of the road, the encounter has proven to be unforgettable. "All I know is, it scared the absolute hell out of me. I can't get it out of my mind," he mused, "I replay it over and over every day."

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