In Coast You Missed It 3/12/21

In Coast You Missed It 3/12/21

By Tim Binnall

The energy of food, vintage paranormal cases, and the art of mentalism were among the fascinating topics explored this past week on Coast to Coast AM. And, here at the C2C website, we told you about an unsettling spate of sinkholes that have been appearing in Croatia, a mysterious creature photographed roaming the streets of Brazil, and a Canadian man who mysteriously received a stuffed three-headed duck in the mail. Check out our round-up of highlights from the past week ... In Coast You Missed It.

Vintage high strangeness cases from the 1970s took center stage on Monday night's program as author Paul Bartholomew shared several fascinating accounts of UFO sightings and Bigfoot encounters from that time period. He recalled a particularly puzzling flap that occurred in 1973 and saw dramatic reports of odd aerial vehicles from witnesses throughout New York State. One intriguing incident that he recounted involved a potential UFO trace case wherein concentric circles appeared in a restaurant's parking lot after neighbors heard bizarre mechanical sounds emanating from the nearby woods overnight. During his appearance, Bartholomew also talked about a 'Bigfoot outbreak' that occurred in Whitehall, New York back in 1973 and involved dozens of Sasquatch reports.

This past week brought news of a rather worrisome situation unfolding in Croatia, where a massive earthquake caused a series of sizeable sinkholes to form, seemingly setting off a chain reaction wherein the spontaneous pits just keep appearing. The weirdness began back in late December when a 6.4-magnitude tremor rocked the country and then, shortly thereafter, people spotted some curious chasms in the ground. In the weeks and months that followed, the sinkholes just kept forming to the point that there are now nearly 100 of the pits found throughout Croatia so far. Like something out of a Hollywood disaster movie, people in the region are understandably on edge as no one is quite sure when or where the next sinkhole will appear, but they're hoping it's not beneath their feet.

Could food possess an energetic signature capable of providing profound benefits to both our body and mind? This tantalizing question was explored on Monday night's program by gardener and avid cook Candice Covington, who detailed her 'vibrational nutrition' theory. Purportedly imparted to her in a series of teaching dreams led by two tiny fairies, the concept postulates that foods resonate with the human body by way of unseen energy contained within them and, in turn, this influences how we feel and act. Providing some examples of this hypothesis in action, Covington said that cherries induce happiness, yellow squash helps one develop a sense of routine, and oil of oregano can provide an individual with an increased sense of personal responsibility.

One of the weirder mysteries we've seen in a while crossed our desk this week courtesy of a Canadian man who was bewildered when he opened a package that he had received in the mail and discovered that it contained a taxidermic three-headed duckling. Even though the shipment was addressed to him, Brent Braaten has no idea why the bizarre stuffed bird was sent to him and he is certain that he never ordered the curio. Suspecting that he is being pranked by a friend or, worse, cursed by an enemy, the man has nonetheless 'adopted' the oddity and even went so far as to fluff its feathers using a blow drier as prescribed in the 'directions for care' that actually came with the three-headed creature.

The worlds of stage magic and the paranormal came together on Thursday night's program as Joseph Diamond discussed how his passion for these two often oppositional realms informed his career as a mentalist. The 'mystic artist' detailed how he used a process known as "contact mind-reading" to intuitively navigate the world's largest corn maze while blindfolded back in 2010. The remarkable feat, he said, took nearly three hours and saw the magician journey a whopping 11.1 miles through the labyrinth. Diamond also talked about serving as the artist in residence at a seemingly haunted mansion in Illinois, his collection of Ouija Boards, and how he uses psychometry as well as dream interpretation during his performances.

Easily the most puzzling story of the week came by way of Brazil where social media in the country was buzzing about a pair of curious photographs purportedly showing a 'mystery creature' lurking the streets of a city. The diminutive beast, which appears by itself in one image and alongside a pair of cohorts in another, seems to sport long arms and vaguely resembles a chimpanzee. Observers online offered a variety of theories as to what the creature could have been, including the aforementioned chimp hypothesis as well as that it was some kind of cryptid or even a man in a suit roaming the streets to scare people into adhering to a government-mandated curfew to try and stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Coast Insiders can check out all this week's shows as well as the last five years of C2C programs in our enormous archive. Not a Coast Insider yet? Sign up today.

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