In Coast You Missed It 6/14/24

In Coast You Missed It 6/14/24

By Tim Binnall

Remote viewing horse races, paranormal campfire tales, and communicating with the 'other side' were among the fascinating topics explored this past week on Coast to Coast AM. And, here at the C2C website, we told you about a truly odd orb filmed in Argentina, a 'mystery creature' that crashed the Indian Prime Minister's inauguration, and a pair of NFL players' vivid UFO sighting. Check out our round-up of highlights from the past week ... In Coast You Missed It.

Incredible stories of high strangeness took center stage on Saturday night when author Jim Harold returned to the program to share such 'campfire tales' that he has collected over the years. In one eerie account, a woman recalled a childhood experience wherein she and a friend were exploring some abandoned railroad tracks and encountered a woman who brought them to her home to pick raspberries. When the youngsters later revisited the area, there was no house nor any raspberry bushes, leading them to wonder if they had experienced a time slip. Other stories recounted by Harold during his appearance included a chilling Ouija board session and an unsettling humanoid encounter at a possibly haunted California paper mill.

The sports world and the paranormal crossed paths in an unusual way this past week when a pair of NFL players recalled a vivid UFO sighting that they experienced during a flight home from a game. The first to share the story, Andre James of the Las Vegas Raiders explained that he and some teammates were chatting with the pilots in the cockpit of the chartered jet when chatter over the radio alerted them to some weird lights off in the distance. Shortly thereafter, the offensive lineman observed a sizeable white light that kept changing size and mystified everyone on the plane, including teammate Maxx Crosby, who subsequently confirmed James' fantastic tale.

Is it possible to use remote viewing to determine the winner of horse races? This tantalizing idea was explored on Sunday night's program as Shane Ivie detailed how he uses the unique psychic skill in just such a fashion. He explained that, when remote viewing a particular race, he will receive visions that serve as clues to which entry will win. Such psychic tips, Ivie said, can be a literal image of the horse's name or a more nuanced metaphor that leads him to the correct pick. Amazingly, he indicated that these sessions can be conducted mere minutes before a race, though stressed that he tries to limit the number of psychically-informed bets that he makes so as to not degrade the process.

A pair of stories involving mystery creatures made headlines this past week, beginning with what many believed to be a big cat seen in the background of the Indian Prime Minister's inauguration ceremony. The presence of the peculiar animal sparked considerable speculation on social media with many wondering if a leopard had somehow found its way into the high profile event. The mystery was eventually solved when authorities indicated that the creature was merely a domesticated cat that lives at the residence where the inauguration was held. Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, a fisherman captured footage of what he claimed was an alligator lurking in a lake, but many viewers online argued that the mystery creature could have simply been a muskrat or beaver.

Messages from the 'other side' were a hot topic of conversation this past week on Coast to Coast AM with two separate guests sharing distinctly different communication experiences. First, on Tuesday night's program, paranormal investigator Scott Degenhardt detailed his work exploring haunted locations and played chilling EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) from these excursions. Then, on Wednesday night's show, artist Laurie Majka talked about what she believes to be her after-death communications with her soulmate, the late musician Mark Abrahamian from the band Starship, wherein he makes his presence felt by way of various hard-to-dismiss synchronistic signs.

This past week featured a particularly weird piece of footage showing an odd orb with what appeared to be a mouth that was opening and closing as it floated over an Argentine lake. Captured by a bewildered witness who conceded that she had no idea what she filmed, her video led to a remarkable array of theories being offered as to the nature of the puzzling anomaly. There were viewers who suggested that the white circular object was a UFO, while others put forward the possibility it could have been a ghost, and there were even those who suggested that the mysterious munching object was the legendary Argentine lake monster Nahuelito, which is said to live at the location of the strange sighting.

Coast Insiders can check out all this week's shows as well as the last seven years of C2C programs in our enormous archive. Not a Coast Insider yet? Sign up today.

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