In Coast You Missed It 7/26/24

By Tim Binnall

Classic conspiracy theories, geoengineering, and the UFO phenomenon were among the fascinating topics covered this past week on Coast to Coast AM. And, here at the C2C website, we told you about flying saucers over Miami and Brazil, a weird milk mystery in New Zealand, and a pair of peculiar objects that plummeted from the sky. Check out our round-up of highlights from the past week ... In Coast You Missed It.

Geoengineering took center stage on Tuesday night's program when activist Dane Wigington returned to the program with an update on his research into weather manipulation. While tinkering with the environment is sometimes portrayed as being beneficial in the fight against climate change, he posited that this is not the case and that it is actually detrimental to our way of life. Specifically, he cited the toxins contained in chemtrails and asserted that a clandestine program to spray these substances into our atmosphere has resulted in unnatural temperature fluctuations and, in turn, extreme weather events such as massive storms.

Unusual falling objects were in the news this past week by way of two stories centered around things plummeting from the sky. In Texas, a motorist filmed an anomaly that seemed to be dropping down in a straight line and leaving a long trail of smoke behind it. Some suggested that the object could have been space junk or a meteor, but as of now, it has yet to be identified. A less mysterious but equally strange case occurred in New Jersey later in the week when a couple's Tesla had its windshield smashed by a rather sizeable fish that had fallen from the sky. While they initially suspected that a pescatarian prankster was behind the weird event, they later concluded that the fish was likely dropped by an eagle that nests in their backyard.

UFOs were a hot topic of conversation this past week on Coast to Coast AM with a pair of programs exploring the phenomenon. First, on Sunday night, actor Thomas Jane talked about his interest in the subject, his work with the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance, and the enormity of what alien visitation would mean for the human race. Then, on Monday night's program, UFO experiencer Chris Bledsoe detailed his various close encounters with otherworldly beings and their craft as well as how one such encounter mysteriously healed his debilitating health condition.

A pair of videos featuring what appeared to be flying saucers caught our attention this past week. First, an astounded Miami resident filmed a curious craft hovering over the city, spawning all manner of theories as to what the weird UFO might have been. Meanwhile, in Brazil, a witness captured some rather fantastic footage of a similarly saucer-shaped object seen in the sky over the community of Curitiba. The remarkably clear video provided a fantastic glimpse of the peculiar object that loomed in the sky for quite some time, though whether it was alien in nature or simply something prosaic like a drone or a balloon remains unknown.

Conspiracies surrounding the Apollo moon landing and the JFK assassination were explored on Saturday night's program as Jay Weidner discussed how the films of these events may provide insights into their true nature. Regarding the lunar missions, he argued that what was presented to the public was a fabrication, possibly directed by Stanley Kubrick, in order to conceal advanced technology that made space travel much easier than the United States wished to reveal. On the subject of the Kennedy assassination, Weidner offered the bold theory that JFK actually faked his death and noted how the Zapruder film features a puzzling lack of reactions to the gunshots as they erupted in Dealey Plaza that fateful day.

By far the weirdest story of the week emerged out of New Zealand, where a community has become gripped by a strange milk mystery. For the past several months, people in the town of Alexandra have noticed that some individual keeps leaving bottles of flavored milk atop a gas station pump. Suggesting that there may not be all that much happening in the small community, the question of who is behind the recurring phenomenon has become the talk of the town with residents offering an array of elaborate theories and diligently tracking the details of when each drink mysteriously appears.

Coast Insiders can check out all this week's shows as well as the last seven years of C2C programs in our enormous archive. Not a Coast Insider yet? Sign up today.

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