In Coast You Missed It 9/27/24

By Tim Binnall

UFO bases here on Earth, the Reptilians, and eerie incidents involving possible paranormal activity were among the fascinating topics explored this past week on Coast to Coast AM. And, here at the C2C website, we told you about a boomerang-shaped UFO filmed in Texas, a twisted miscreant terrorizing a British village via anonymous letters, and a creepy clown spotted roaming a Florida pedestrian bridge. Check out our round-up of highlights from the past week ... In Coast You Missed It.

Have remote viewers spotted secret extraterrestrial bases that are hidden around the world? This tantalizing scenario was explored on Sunday night's program as remote viewing expert Skip Atwater shared accounts from such visionaries who were able to catch a glimpse of these clandestine locations. He specifically cited the work of renowned remote viewer Pat Price, who claimed to have observed alien bases during his sessions, including one instance wherein the ETs seemingly caught him psychically snooping around the location. Atwater also touched on similarly acclaimed visionary Joe McMoneagle, who recounted seeing an odd tower alongside a nuclear device.

Several compelling videos showing possible paranormal activity crossed our desk this past week, beginning with a weird case of 'ghost water' that mystified workers at a cemetery in Argentina. Meanwhile, a witness in Texas captured tremendous footage of a large boomerang-shaped UFO silently cruising across the night sky. Later in the week saw news of an AI-enhanced photo of a forest fire that seemingly featured the miraculous figure of Jesus standing in the flames. On the cryptid front, Bigfoot may have been photographed near a lake on the Navajo Nation and a webcam watcher captured compelling footage of a remarkably clear hump cruising across Loch Ness.

Of all the alien races said to have been encountered by humans over the years, the beings dubbed Reptilians are by far the most fearsome. On Tuesday night's program, independent historian James Bartley imparted insights from his decades of research into these unsettling entities that, he said, are actually extraterrestrial and interdimensional, while also residing in underground lairs here on Earth. He indicated that the Grey aliens believed to be behind the abduction phenomenon are, in fact, carrying out such sinister deeds at the behest of the Reptilians. Chillingly, Bartley theorized that unbeknownst to humans, there is a war unfolding between extraterrestrial races and that the human race may unwittingly be caught in the middle.

In what one hopes is not the start of another wave of creepy clown sightings, this past week featured a bizarre story wherein an individual dressed as just such a haunting harlequin appeared on a pedestrian bridge over a Florida highway. The mysterious stranger, who was caught on film by a traffic camera, roamed around on the overpass for several minutes, twirling an oversized mallet and bewildering rush hour commuters passing beneath him. The arrival of police put an end to the 'performance,' though in true phantom clown fashion, the joker managed to flee the scene before cops could catch him on the bridge.

This past week featured a pair of C2C programs in which the guests provided remarkable footage from their research into high strangeness. First, on Saturday night's show, paranormal researcher Patty Valdez detailed her team's investigation of a museum in Chehalis, Washington wherein they filmed a puzzling light anomaly that some believe could be a portal. On Monday night's program, UFO investigator Melinda Leslie discussed her sighting tours in Sedona, Arizona. In conjunction with her appearance, she shared an intriguing video of UAPs captured using a cell phone that was filming through night vision goggles.

Perhaps the weirdest story of the week came by way of England where residents of a village say that they have been tormented by a twisted troublemaker who has been sending them sinister anonymous letters for the last two years. The first victim of the exceedingly cruel missives, a woman named Sophie, explained that they began when she decided to run in a local election. Shortly thereafter, her partner began receiving similarly unsettling messages. The bizarre campaign of terror soon spread to even more people living in the small community of Shiptonthorpe, which is now gripped by the eerie mystery that has left many residents on edge.

Coast Insiders can check out all this week's shows as well as the last seven years of C2C programs in our enormous archive. Not a Coast Insider yet? Sign up today.

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