Move over Mothman, a small town in Iowa is celebrating their own legendary and mysterious winged-creature: the Van Meter Visitor.
The bizarre pterodactyl-like entity was reportedly spotted by several prominent citizens in the town of Van Meter back in 1903.
According to legend, the Van Meter Visitor made multiple appearances in the town and boasted a number of truly strange characteristics beyond its gruesome appearance.
Those who unfortunate enough to encounter the 'visitor' said that it emitted a foul odor and was somehow able to shoot a beam of light from its head!
Once word spread around the town about the bizarre creature, locals tried to capture the monster, but it scampered into a coal mine and never returned to Van Meter again.
Over a century later, the Van Meter Visitor continues to loom over the town and even inspired a book about the strange sightings a few years ago.
And, like most fantastic cryptids, the Van Meter Visitor has spawned an annual festival to commemorate the creature's place in Iowa lore.
Featuring paranormal researchers and a bevy of family-friendly activities, the Van Meter Visitor Festival will likely attract a wide array of those who wonder what exactly happened in the town back in 1903.
Sadly, we suspect that the creature will not be emerging from the coal mine to provide any answers at this year's event.
Source: The Des Moines Register