Japanese Politicians Call for Government Study of UFOs

Japanese Politicians Call for Government Study of UFOs

By Tim Binnall

A group of politicians in Japan have announced plans to call upon the government to investigate the UFO phenomenon. The veritable UAP caucus was reportedly formed at a meeting on Tuesday wherein they named former Minister of Defense and current House of Representatives member Yasukazu Hamada as the chairperson. The purpose of the group will be to formally request that the Japanese government create an organization akin to the Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) that would study UFO sightings that occur in the skies over the country.

Eschewing talk of otherworldly visitors, the group observed that UFOs in the form of clandestine terrestrial craft or spy drones pose a threat to the country's national security and, as such, a formal investigation into the phenomenon is needed. The politicians also expressed a desire for this proposed UAP office to work with AARO in an effort to get to the bottom of the longstanding mystery. It is uncertain when the group will officially submit their request to the Japanese government, though the effort is said to be bipartisan in nature, which may help in seeing the suggested investigation come to fruition.